Jan 30, 2009

Congratulations Reamer!!

Reamer got promoted! Now he is officially a 1st LT. That means that instead of a gold bar, he wears a black (silver) bar! I was able to go to his promotion ceremony and pin on his new rank. It was awkward for me because Reamer was the only person getting promoted and we had to stand in front of all the officers in his Batallion. Col. McFarland read his orders of promotion and Reamer's Commander put on his new rank. I then changed the rank on his beret. After I changed the rank, I had to put his beret back on his head. Everyone was laughing because when I put it on it was pretty funny looking! I'm very proud of my husband and I just wanted to give him a big CONGRATULATIONS!!!
*** I borrowed a camera and as soon as I get the pictures I will post them. (so you can see Reamer with his beret on funny!!!)

Jan 29, 2009

Lifted Spirits!!

Thank Goodness for good friends!!! I was feeling pretty bored and a little depressed after breaking my foot mostly due to my immobility, but luckily my spirits have finally been lifted! Yesterday two good friends (Janet and Anne) came over to make me feel better. They brought board games, books and magazines to keep me busy. Anne brought her waffle maker and we ate some yummy comfort food. We played board games and chatted. I feel so much better! It makes me feel good to know that I am cared about! Thank you sooooo much girls, you are amazing!

Luckily, I have been walking on my foot brace too!! Even though I can't ride my bike, I am a lot more mobile!! Now I am able to do a lot more. I have to ride the bus instead of riding my bike to get to post (cheerleading practice, FRG meetings etc...) but it's not so bad!!

I'm feeling so much better now that my spirits have been lifted!!!

Jan 28, 2009

First Lady's Letter to Military Families

This is a letter that was sent to all military families from First Lady Michelle Obama.

On Tuesday, as people from all walks of life come together in common purposeto begin the work of renewing America's promise, my daughters and I willstand beside my husband as he takes the oath of office as the 44th presidentof the United States.People have asked me how I'll feel at that moment. As a wife, I'll bethinking about how proud I am of my husband and how I believe so deeply thathe will be an extraordinary president. As a mother, I'll be bursting withpride at the thought of my girls now being able to envision endless choicesfor themselves and the joy it will be to watch them grow up in the WhiteHouse. And as a daughter, I'll be profoundly grateful to my parents, knowingthat I am here only because of their lifetime of faith and hard work.They're my proof that the American promise endures. It's that promise we allshare - that our children might grow up with unlimited possibility, that ourfamilies might know the dreams of opportunity and prosperity, that people inevery nation might look at the proud banner of this country and know theboundless meaning of hope.As I take on my newest role - First Lady - I'll be thinking about what thatpromise means to all those whom I've had the humbling privilege to meetthese past two years on the campaign trail: Americans across the country whoopened their doors and hearts to share their stories with me- stories I carry to this day.I particularly cherished my visits with military families all across thecountry. I met so many strong and inspiring military spouses eager to sharetheir stories, their dreams for the future and the unique challenges theyface because of their families' selfless service to our country.And if there's one thing I learned, it's that when our servicemen and womengo to war, their families go with them. I saw how they take care of eachother, heard how they fill in whenever the system fails and discovered thatthe trials they faced always were matched by the hope they shared thatbetter days are still ahead.The simple 35-word oath my husband will take and the peaceful transfer ofpower it completes makes it easy to forget that the great fortune of ourcitizenship isn't free at all. It's a responsibility inherited only becausegenerations of Americans have fought and bled and died for it.So as I watch Barack take that oath, I'll be thinking especially about thosemembers of our American family who stand guard across the world and theloved ones who await their safe return. Because even as we mark this momentin American history, there still will be empty seats at the dinner table;there still will be spouses struggling to juggle roles and responsibilities;there still will be children who mark the passing of a birthday withoutMommy and toddlers who know their father only by a grainy video stream froma far-flung corner of the globe.My husband and I are deeply grateful for the sacrifices that these familiesmake to protect all American families. And we join them - today and everyday - in praying for their loved ones and their safety. They don't ask a lotin return, just a Washington that understands the challenges they face aspart of their extraordinary commitment to our country.My husband understands that commitment, and he will ensure America lives upto its end. As military families join us on Tuesday, in person and inspirit, I want each and every one of them to know that for as long as I havethe tremendous honor of being your First Lady, your voices will be heard,you will have an advocate in the White House, and the American promise youpreserve always will extend to you, too.All of us can learn a fundamental lesson from our military families: Youdon't need to wear a uniform to serve your country. We all have something tocontribute to the life of this nation. Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. And to honor the legacy of a man whobelieved that everybody could be great because anybody can serve, my familyand I will spend the day performing activities in service to others. Andwe'll ask all Americans to join us in making an ongoing commitment to servetheir community and their country, because in this new season of hope,that's the only way we'll begin renewing America's promise for all who reachfor it and all who defend it - as one nation and one people.On Tuesday night, my husband and I will tuck in our daughters like we alwaysdo. Their bedrooms will be different, their home unfamiliar. But they willdrift off to sleep protected by that same sacrifice that has kept all of ourfamilies safe and safeguarded our freedom for generations - the sacrifice ofour men and women in uniform and their families.For that, we could not be more grateful - or more proud.

***Obviously, it is a little behind but still a nice gesture!

Jan 27, 2009

Fractured Foot and Broken Spirit

I don't think that most people that know me would consider me a clumbsy person, but it is definately a character trait that I have come to accept in myself. Partly, I think that my clumbsiness happens when I am quickly trying to accomplish a task and my mind is solely concentrating on the task at hand and not on anything else. Looking at my finger (the one I slammed in the car door that is now black and receding from my nail bed) and my fractured foot (After falling from the "makeshift" ladder that I used to hang curtains) and the other "battle scars" (blistered feet, cuts from shaving on my legs etc...) I have realized that I need to be more careful. I almost feel like I am falling apart.

This foot injury wouldn't be so bad if I didn't rely on my bike for transportation and the half-marathon that I have been training for is out of the question now. Leaving my house is something that is going to be almost impossible for a few weeks. This makes me pretty depressed!! I have decided that I am going to try my best to be more careful so that I can get rid of this clumbsiness!!! Now that I am cooped up and I can't do anything, I have no choice but to take care of myself. I realize that I have to do a better job of paying attention so that I won't get hurt anymore!!!

Jan 21, 2009

Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!

It has been raining nonstop! Apparently the amazing beauty that emerges in the spring and summer here is a result of the nonstop rain that happens in the winter! Sometimes it's not so bad except for those of us whose transportation is a bicycle! I have completely mastered riding holding an umbrella!

Unfortunately the rain has limited Champs exercise and he hasn't been able to go out and play as much as he needs to! So this morning as I looked outside to the dreary cloudy day, I realized that there were no rain drops falling from the overcast sky!!! I decided to take him to the park to get some of his pent up energy out!!

Well, you can imagine after weeks of rain and snow with almost no sunshine inbetween that the park was basically a huge muddy playpin for my pup to go crazy in!!! I let him off his leash and of course he ran and jumped in almost every single mud puddle in the entire park!! On our walk back home we got plenty of stares!! My usually white dog is now brown!!! I wish that I had a camera to post a picture, but I will post an old one so you can get an idea of my dirty little Champ!

*** Ok, so this might be a little much. He wasn't this dirty.... (at least not this time....) This is an old pic of him after playing in our old back yard in Tuscaloosa. I didn't let him get this dirty, but it gives a good illustration of just how mischevious and how much he loves playing in mud!! (this also includes his feeling about snow!!)

Jan 17, 2009

Skiing in Paganella Italy

We went Skiing with some friends last weekend in Paganella Italy. We had a great time My friend Janet took some pictures so I thought I would post them to my blog. I'm going to have to borrow pictures from other people until we get a new camera. Enjoy the pics!

We are starting to become ski bums! Reamer has a four day weekend and we are going skiing on Monday!! We are starting to become obsessed!!

Jan 9, 2009

Our Team is Dynamite!!!

I need some help!!!!
I'm now a volunteer Cheerleading coach for girls age 7-9. They are so cute! Most of these girls have never cheered before and they are so excited about it. It has been about 9 years since I have cheered (man I'm getting old....) so I'm trying to piece together all of these random cheers that are going on in my head!! So I have reverted back to my middle school days. I have been walking around the house doing odd movemements, mumbling, nodding my head and looking pretty silly! Just like I used to do when I started cheering in middle school. I can even remember doing weird cheer movements while walking around in the grocery store and driving my mom nuts!!! I want to teach some cutsy cheers to these girls, but I'm having a hard time remembering them! If anyone can remember any just let me know! Just Post any cheer you can remember on my blog!! Thanks for helping!!!

Jan 6, 2009

Sking in Switzerland

** I accidently lost my camera on the ski slopes (fell out of my pocket) so all pictures are taken off of google images and yahoo images.....)

Reamer, Champ and I went sking in Switzerland for New Years! What a georgous country! I don't think that I have even seen a more beautiful country. The natural beauty of the Alps is amazing. The beautiful lakes, rivers and streams run through the magnificent snow capped mountains and are accentuated by the cute little lodges, chalets and homes that decorate the hills.
When we first arrived to our cute little Bed and Breakfast, the sweet lady told us that our reservation was not at her B&B, but at another one with the same name over an hour away. We had already driven over 5 hours and were not happy to hear this. We were a little upset that we would be staying far from the ski slopes, but luckily she welcomed us into her B&B and let us pay the cheaper rate that we had found at the other place! She even gave us a huge beautiful apartment that had a yard filled with snow for Champ to play in!

We were sking in the Jungfrau region of Switzerland. To get to the ski slopes you must take a train. The only way to arrive there is by train. The train ride was always one of the most beautiful parts of the day.
On my first day of sking I thought that I could instantly return to the level that I was at the last time that I skied. Unfortunetly, that was not the case. On the first day the easy slopes were closed due to a wind storm, so I had to start on the medium/difficult slopes! It was not as easy as I remembered. But by the end of the week I was doing much better! And thanks to my amazingly patient husand I eventually felt pretty comfortable on the slopes!

The swiss people were very friendly and the food was great! Reamer was happy to get some real snitzel, and bratwurst! I really enjoyed the delicious Swiss cheese. Because this area brings in people from all over the world, there were also a ton of other types of cuisines that we were excited to be able to eat! We had some delicious Tai food and even some Hooters hot wings!! Yummy! (we won't get that again for a long time!)

Champ might have had the most fun of all! He absolutly loves the snow! He loves running after snowballs and catching them in his mouth. He was so cute jumping and rolling into the snow! We all had such a great time together and the beautiful landscapes and great sking made our trip amazing!