First, let me say that I understand your frustration. I miss my husband, get flustered about the annoying parts of Italian culture (everything being closed, lack of service, etc....) and I too had to re-adjust my life to fit our overseas duty station. That being said, I'm fed up! I'm NOT fed up with Italy or post or Italian culture. I'm fed up with some (not all) attitudes and opinions of some of the army wives.
Seriously people, you are stationed in one of the most beautiful countries in the world! People pay thousands of dollars to come to Europe for a week or two to see such a beautiful country. Ok, it's not like you must live here forever. Most of us are only stationed here for 3 years or so. That is really not very long (in the scheme of our life). And come on, your duty station could be worse. I'm so tired of hearing negative talk about living here. You can make your time here either positive or negative. It is your choice. There are so many wonderful places to tour and visit that are only a short train ride or a short car trip away. Why not take advantage of this experience? Why can't we stop and smell the roses?? Let's try to embrace the culture and maybe we will learn something about ourselves. Who knows, you might expand your horizon and become a more well-rounded person. What is the harm in that?
Ok, it's not like I don't get annoyed sometimes too. There are things that drive me crazy here just as much as the next person. I understand where the negativity comes from. I'm just saying that our overall opinion of living here should be examined. Why spend your time "bitchinig"--(excuse my language, I'm venting) when that will accomplish nothing but making you more miserable.
Take inititive in your life! Even though the army says that you are a dependent, doesn't mean that you actually are only a dependent. You are your own individual person. You can control your own happiness. Try to adjust to living here. Make sure that you can take care of yourself. Our husbands are gone a lot of our time here so you have to figure out how to make it work for yourself. It is not your husbands (or other wives) responsibility to make you happy. Rely on yourself and stop being so dependent on others. I promise you will be a better person for it.
I'm not saying that as wives we shouldn't support eachother. I think that to have a successful community we must stick together and help eachother. I just believe that as spouses we need to have some independence. I can totally understand that it is scary and hard to adjust when you are so far away from home. But it is so vital to our happiness and even our survival that we are able to take care of ourselves.
I really hope that I haven't offended anyone with my venting. I just believe that it is important that we embrace this experience and try to see the positive in it. There are much worse things that could happen to us in our lives. Seriously, just look around you at the beauty that surrounds us. Do Not Spend all of your time on post, but do get involved and stay busy. Learn how to care for yourself. Get out and about. Embrace the food (I know that it's different, but try), embrace the culture, embrace the beautiful landscape, if you don't drive--learn the public transportation system so that you can get around town. See the sights, shop in the stores, just walk around town and look at the beautiful architecture, take a bike ride around town. Embrace the differences that surround you, but don't let the differences hinder you from living your life. Life is way to short for negitivity.
I know that I will end up complaining about some of the things that annoy us all to someone who has read this and I might possibly be viewed as hypocritical, but my intention is not to say that you can't be annoyed with some of the differences. I am really only talking about your overall demeanor about living overseas. Let's examine our overall opinion and how we are coming across to others. It is so much more enjoyable to be surrounded with positive people who can see the positive things in life. I do understand that misery loves company, but I don't want to be a part of that company.
I have had this on my mind for several weeks and have been debating about writing it, but I feel that it is something that had to be said. Please don't be offended by this venting blog, take it for what it is worth and possibly try to get something out of it.
Please remind me of this blog when I am complaining about some of the pitfalls of living here so that I too can have an attitude adjustment. We all need one of those every now and then.