May 7, 2008

My first try at blogging...

I thought that I would try to give this blogging thing a go. I get a kick out of reading the thoughts of other people and think it has become my new hobby. I have seriously become obsessed with "spying" on others and keeping up with everyone's "status" on my favorite two sites in the world (facebook and myspace). I have realized that I think I have developed a crazy addiction to checking these two sites to find out what is going on in the worlds of my friends. I enjoy reading what everyone is doing at every second of the day. It has become so bad that I constantly check it on my blackberry just to see if anyone has posted something new. I think that I may have a form of OCD because I can not stop myself from checking to see if anything has changed. So, I decided that I should create yet another addiction for myself. I don't know if I'm going to enjoy blogging as much as I enjoy "spying" on others. Blogging seems a little more self centered, but I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. I hope that you enjoy my thoughts.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so the SAME thing!! I'll enjoy "spying" on you now :) Have fun blogging!